Texas and Denver looked graceful as they ate leaves.

Zebo had a large callous on his leg. It looks weird but doesn't hurt him.

Zebo tried to coax Texas into a little afternoon action. He nuzzled her heck and followed her around for a long time, but she wasn't interested.
Hi Kerry, it's Josh. Tara told me you were wondering how to insert video into your blog. It is pretty easy. There are several services available. I use the free YouTube service. Just go to YouTube and sign up. Then follow the directions to upload a video (we've just been using videos taken from our old 2 megapixel digital still camera, no sound, but you can use a video camera of course). Make sure that you make it Public (the default setting). Then there is an option to "embed" in another website. I just copy this HTML code and then paste it into a Blogger post. Presto! Everybody can watch video from your blog. Have fun! If you have questions, just leave a comment on our blog.
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