29 June, 2008

Peruvian Drinks

Coca tea tastes like someone went out to your backyard, grabbed a handful of leaves off a bush, and stuck it in hot water. Regardless, it is loved by all Peruvians who not only enjoy the taste but also the energizing effect and help with altitude sickness. In fact, they often take a couple coca leaves and chew them on the side of their mouth like chewing tobacco. I prefer the Coca Candy.

I spent a lot of time testing the local beer, Cusquena. It costs 6 soles (about $2.00).

We each got a free Pisco Sour at one restaurant and being the only alcoholic drinker of the group, I was forced to take them all. They are made with Pisco, lime juice, sugar, water, ice, and an egg white. It is all mixed in a blender until frothy, and then they put a sprinkle of cinnamon on the top. They sound gross, but are a nice light, fruity drink.


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