02 August, 2009

Fins & Feathers

The Deer Mountain Eagle Center & Fish Hatchery was really interesting. We saw two bald eagles up close. There wasn't even any glass between us. They both have broken wings and can no longer hunt for themselves, so they live here. They have built a nest on the ground and lay eggs every year.
Where do baby salmon come from? The salmon poplulation was decimated due to poor fishing practices. Today, they have improved the population with fish hatcheries like this one. They have tanks holding thousands of salmon in all stages.
This tank held all the salmon who were waiting to have their eggs harvested. There was also a guy standing in the tank with a net and a bat.
After running away from the holding tanks, I found refuge in the woodshop. Anyone want to buy a totem? This one is for sale.


At 5:51 PM, Blogger cathyds1 said...

Great job Kerri. Your pics are fantastic.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Kerri said...



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