03 December, 2011

Dragoon Mountains

The Dragoons are dramatic, boulder covered mountains out near Tombstone. I went camping and hiking on Veteran's Day weekend.

This grasshopper was all dressed up.

Tahoe found a drinking fountain; it rained th day before.

Tahoe likes to survey his kingdom.

Typical Dragoon view.

On Saturday, I found the worst forest service road possible and drove 10 miles out to a remote trailhead. (Not really, but looking back, that's fairly accurate.)

I didn't see caterpillars anywhere else, but there were about 10 all huddled together on this on tiny part of the branch. They must have been a family.

Upon return to my car, I discovered a huge puddle of oil under my car - Crap! busted oil pan. Tahoe and I eventually called a tow truck. After many hours and driving over the mountain, he finally made it there and loaded my car on the tow truck. Then, to my horror, my car fell off the tow truck and hit the ground with a giant THUD! Oops. Someone forgot the safety straps.

After leaving my poor car at a mechanic shop in Willcox, Tahoe and I camped the last night at a Quality Inn.
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