26 February, 2008

Coffee Flat

It's February, 80 degrees, and the wildflowers are popping up everywhere. They think it's spring. I saw lots of Mexican gold poppies, lupine, and even the jojoba are blooming.

I often encounter cattle gates like this on the trail. If it's in good shape, I simply lift the wire, and pull the gate open. If it's crappy, I pull, push, and yank. Then, take my pack off and crawl under it just like Tahoe does.

We camped in Coffee Flat Canyon. I made a campfire. I haven't done that in a long time, so it was nice to relax by the it. Tahoe was so tired that he immediately went into the tent and napped on his mat.

This is my nemesis - the squeaky windmill. It was totally still all afternoon. At ten o'clock at night, a slight breeze picked up. That's when the horredous screeching began. It sounded like a tiger was being strangled. I climbed it and shoved a mesquite branch into the blades.


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