17 November, 2008

Saguaro Lake

I backpacked the Butcher Jones Trail this weekend. The trail was fun, and there were lots of exploration opportunities along the way.
I took along my new Spot to try out for the first time, and it worked great. Now, I can let people (and by people, I mean mom) know that I am fine. I just press a button, and voila! Emails are sent out with my exact gps location and a link to google maps. I guess this is what it's like to be a modern backpacker. What luxury! Now I can't even get lost properly. Although, there is the offchance that it will run out of batteries, or I get suddenly attacked by a pack of wolverines and can't press the button...
Among the usual desert scenery, were riparian areas near the shore with cattails and willow trees.


At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading the information, I may have different views, but I do think this is good BLOG!


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