02 July, 2011

Favorite Foods

I probably ordered mussaman curry 10 times in Thailand. The rich and nutty flavor makes it my absolute favorite. Thai hot, of course!

Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I had to order Fanta, fresh fruit, and a croissant. Side note: Bev also ordered fruit, and we noticed the owner quietly sent his son out to buy something. He stood in the front entryway for a few minutes with a large tray all nonchalantly, and when his son returned, he tried to hide the watermelon he had just bought at the market-for us! Then, we saw him showing him how to cut the watermelon. It was so charming.

They have a variety of banana I called fat banana. Not only are they the perfect size, they are a little sweeter than a regular banana.

Thai pancakes are divine. Beverly like banana/chocolate and I like peanut butter/banana.

Papaya salad is a fresh, tangy, and spicy salad made from unripe papayas. The most popular local brews are Singha and Chang.

I never knew what kind of snack to buy. The words are all in Thai, so I just knew that it had to have a picture of a potato on it somewhere. One day I found these chips with a picture of sagauro cacti all over them. The only English words on the package was this tiny phrase in the corner that said, "A useful food" which made it even more confusing.

Sticky rice and coconut. It's really gooey and good.
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