28 June, 2011


Lotus blossoms are verywhere.


Thai's have an interesting method to cross the street. There often aren't cross walks or street signals. It's a mystery how everybody knows when to go. As a pedestrain, it's even more confusing. We would end up standing on the edge of a road, waiting for a break in traffic that never came, and realizing that we were never going to cross the street. Soon enough, a thai person would saunter up and just start walking across the street, barely even looking at the traffic. And, a weird thing would happen. The cars would actually stop. We quickly caught on, and started using this technique.

One of my favorite things about travelling to the tropics - cheap fruit! The eggs looking things are Thai fruit that taste a little like hard, bland grapes. They have a hard outer brown shell that is easily cracked open. You eat the fruit around a hard woody seed in the middle.
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