26 June, 2011


We took a tour of the canals, and apparantly the day we went (the first Wednesday of the month) is the one day that there aren't hordes of floating markets selling delicious meals. We did get the offer to buy stale bread to feed to the already fat catfish for 30 cents (I wondered why there were so many fish in this one spot!), but we declined. Then, a couple ladies came by with their canoes full of crap no one would ever want. Evenntually, the lady got one poor sap to buy a beer for himself and the boatman. Thank goodness the boats only go about 5 kph.

"There's a crocodile!" screamed Kerri. "Are there crocodiles in Thailand?" said Traci. Evidently no, but there are really big monitor lizards.

I don't know the name of this wat. We were dropped off at it and told we had 30 minutes, and once we saw stairs, that American thing kicked in, and we said, "We must climb the stairs." So, we powered on, and barely made the boat back in time.

It was a beautiful wat, whatever it was called.
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