06 July, 2011

Ko Lanta

This is where the dive sites were located.

We saw two large lionfish hanging out near a wall. Usually, they are hidden in a rock, so it was nice to see these two showing off their beautiful fins.

This fish was peeking out of a big purple sponge, covered with white worms.

There's something amazing in every direction.

I just love these giant clams. If you watch one for awhile, you notice how it opens and closes slightly, like it's breathing.

Paul was the best divemaster of the trip. He pointed out lots of creatures we would have missed, and we had an hour bottom time on each tank.

The adorable porcupine fish. They are curious and will swim close to divers and check them out with their big googly eyes.

Longfin bannerfish like to hang out in pairs.

Banded sea snake.

The yellow box fish swims around in a clumsy manner. It's sort of the bumble bee of water.

Barracuda - Bev's favorite fish. Although, she said she might eat one.

Moral eel

Brain and fan coral.
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