Travels With Kerri
"Not All Who Wander Are Lost"
31 July, 2006
28 July, 2006
Desert Dwellers

27 July, 2006
Proper Motivation

23 July, 2006
21 July, 2006
18 July, 2006
16 July, 2006

We stayed at the Grand Hotel on Mingus Mountain. It was built in the 1920's, and used to be the hospital for the miners.

Much of the building was original, including this Otis elevator. The doors had to be opened manually. I think the wallpaper is original too because there were lots of scrape marks on the walls where a gurney would hit it.

We hoped

It offered a great view of the Mogollian Rim and Sedona.
14 July, 2006
Micio's Visit

13 July, 2006
09 July, 2006
Hiking in Hawaii

08 July, 2006
The Wedding

Afterwards, we had dinner at the yacht club.
Sailing the Pacific

The light green water indicates a sand bar where the ocean is only about three feet deep.