26 September, 2009

Kaneohe Bay

You can almost see Buffy's house near Kaneohe Bay.


We went to Hawaii last week to watch Jenny & Brett get married.
They had a beautiful wedding on the beach.
The most exciting part of the wedding had to have been this giant pot of potatoes. They even had purple Maui potatoes! I can't believe I missed that! I want this as my last meal.

23 September, 2009

Leader of the Pack

Guess who won first place at the Prescott Car Show? Dad! His little red corvette won the hearts of the judges.


All of the animals reacted differently to our new game, Bubbles. I blow the bubbles. Boulder claws at them. Cowboy eats them. Greta is bored with it. Tahoe is afraid of the bubbles, and he retreats at the first sight of the bottle.

21 September, 2009


Mom is carrying her two babies on her back.
Here they are under the black light. I noticed the babies don't really glow.

12 September, 2009

Kiwanis Trail

This short dayhike leads to the ridge of the Superstition Mountains. We started early, but it was really hot. I brought a lot of water and kept pouring it on Tahoe.
Toward the end of the trail, Tahoe was running from shade to shade.
It was beautiful though. The sky was fairly clear today despite the lingering smoke from L.A.

07 September, 2009

Foote Creek

We backpacked a forested trail in the Blue Range Wilderness over the weekend. The trail heads up a mountain and then down into a deep canyon with a spring. When we got to P-Bar Lake, Tahoe saw the water and raced toward it but didn't realize there was a marsh around it. He submerged up to his eyes and leapt out of the water with amazing speed. He did not do that again on the way back.
I discovered how the pleasing fungus beetle got their name. They love mushrooms and devour them for hours! There were crowds of them on this fallen log.
I saw lots of wild turkeys, deer, and an elk.
I kept hearing a thudding sound, and it took me a while to realize that it was the two trees beside my tent. They were swaying in the wind and knocking each other.

Husley Lake

Husley Lake is a small lake surrounded by cattails and pines.
It was sunny one minute and raining the next.
Then, it hailed!
They reminded me of Sonic ice.


I just love meadows. They are my favorite place to camp.
It's rare to find the purple gentian.
I camped near this old cabin.
We found lots of old roads winding through the forest, leading to more meadows.

02 September, 2009

Home Improvements

The girls made cat doors.
To keep it cool, we keep the blinds shut all day, but this is really inconvenient for the girls who like to lounge on the windowsill, watching birds.
They rectified their problem by barging through the blinds so brutally and so often that there are now perfect cat sized doors on all the windows.