19 April, 2010

Fossil Creek

I parked at the north end of Fossil Creek and backpacked downstream for a while. It was a gorgeous hike past spring-fed water. There was no trail, so it got bushy at times.
It's caterpillar time! They were everywhere. I saved this little guy from certain death. He and his friend were stuck on a rock because the river had risen too quickly around them.
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You can really see the power of flash floods here. All this debris is at least 7 feet high.

Perfect Campsite

I eventually found a lovely campsite by the creek. It was quiet and secluded. Tall cottonwoods towered above and provided shade for Tahoe's afternoon nap.
Tahoe loved splashing around in the water.

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I'm usually disgusted by tree carving, but I like this horse.

01 April, 2010

Kalalau Trail


Kalalau Trail is an 11 mile long trail along the Na Pali coastline on Kauai.

Warning signs were posted at almost every beach on the island.

It's rated one of America's most dangerous trails due to the narrow catwalks with 800 foot dropoffs, wet and muddy trails, and constant erosion. This, I learned, is one of the wettest places on earth.
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I counted 82 tally marks.



This is why people come here. The views are incredible!

Walking palm tree.

Thank goodness I had my wilderness survival cards. It gave me something to read while we were confined to the tent for 30 hours straights due to a deluge of rain. Not sprinkles or mist. Nope, this was pounding rain. I was really impressed with how my new tent held up. I managed to keep it dry inside; although, it was a bit like sleeping on a waterbed for a while until I finally had to move the tent to a slope.
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On the hike out, there were brief moments of sunshine.

Wet Hiking


It's best if you are not afraid of heights.

This looks like a stream, but actually it is the trail. My boots got completely soaked the first day, and I ended up carrying them around in my pack while wearing water shoes.

Even though I was soggy, it was paradise!
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Great waterfall shower.

Trail Magic


He had an Austrailian accent. It was weird.

Looking north to the Pacific.

What the heck is this?
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There is a river 2 miles in which we had to cross twice. After all the rain, it had risen and the current was really swift, so we got some help going across from some guys.