25 May, 2009

Our Animals

Greta did not want to share the bed with Tahoe and his baby. This is supposed to be her domain in the evening, sort of an unwritten pet rule.
Cowboy pouts because he can't be on top of us for 5 minutes.
The world is Boulder's bed.
Frank came over for a visit and he seemed to enjoy drooling on the tile.

11 May, 2009

The Dead

The Grateful Dead played at Shoreline this weekend. It was so great to see them play again. Warren Haynes played lead guitar.
This is one of my all time favorite venues because it's so scenic.
Tiff and I hanging out in the lot.
This is me, Sandy, and Moses NOT drinking alcohol in the parking lot. The security came on really strong at first, telling people not to vend or drink. But things calmed down once the lot filled up, and they pretty much lost that battle.


There's a big hill beside the venue, so we climbed up for a better view.
Bill graham desgined the amphitheatre. It looks sort of like a circus tent.


The further bus was there. I saw it once before, a long time ago, at one of Ken Kesey's lectures in Phoenix.
Jeannie envisions the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.
Even the wheels are painted.
This is Ken Kesey's son in the middle.


Here's the crew: Nate, Jeannie, Moses, Sandy, & Tiff.
You have never seen so much tie dye in one place.
The show was great; though, it was different without Jerry.
The lightshow rocked. Notice the moon rising up on the left.